Risks & Precautions to Wearing Compression Hosiery
Risks & Precautions to Wearing Compression Hosiery
Medical-grade hosiery are usually prescribed by your medical doctor. It is crucial to make sure that proper measurements are taken so that the correct sizes are chosen.
The leg veins are particularly susceptible to circulatory disorders because they carry large volumes of blood back to the heart against gravity.
Graduated compression therapy works by applying a measured amount of counter-pressure and support to your feet and legs. The greatest pressure is applied at the ankles and gradually decreases up the leg.
The goal is to support the venous system, help relieve swelling, aches and discomfort in the feet and legs.
It is important to follow the advise of your medical doctor, to ensure that this is the correct treatment for you since there are certain conditions where compression hosiery should NOT be worn.
Some of these may include:
- Peripheral Artery Disease (suspected or proven): The use of graduated compression hosiery on legs with the impaired arterial flow (reduced oxygen supply) can worsen ischemia. Anyone with a history of peripheral arterial bypass grafting is included in this category.
- Diabetes with related severe nerve damage
Alcoholism with related severe nerve damage*
Congestive Heart Failure that is uncontrolled where there is massive leg swelling or pulmonary edema.
- Acute, red or oozing dermatitis
- Skin or Vascular Infections or local skin or soft-tissue conditions**
- Recent skin graft
- Ulcers in the feet or legs that have not first received proper wound care
- Gangrene
Allergies to any of the materials used in manufacturing products. can lead to contact dermatitis, skin discoloration and blistering
Extreme deformity of the leg, or unusual leg shape or size preventing a correct fit.
* Severe Peripheral Neuropathy related to Diabetes, Alcoholism or from other causes involves reduced sensation to the feet and legs due to nerve damage.
People with these conditions should begin wearing lower grades of compression and inspect their feet and legs daily. They should have regular visits with their podiatrist or chiropodist, who will advise them if they are able to wear firmer amounts of pressure.
If you are uncertain if you can wear our products, please check with your health care provider prior to placing your order.