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      Which Products Should I Choose?

      We carry hosiery from various companies. In alphabetical order these include:
      • ACHI
      • Levaire
      • Orthosleeve
      • OS1st
      • Therafirm
      • Truform
      • Venosan

      Since people are unique in their tastes regarding styles, colours and textures and everyone has their own budget, we like to offer products from more than just one company.

      Some companies are able to source their materials at lower prices, such that both the manufacturer and can sell them for less than another brand. This has no bearing on the quality of products that we offer.

      All of the companies whose products we carry each conduct quality assurance testing to ensure that the stated level of compression meets their standards.

      Which Brand Should I Choose?

      We are constantly updating our product pages with feedback we may receive from our customers. Please read the descriptions and this will give you some guidance on fitting tips and materials.

      Graded Pressure Hosiery:

      They are measured based on how much pressure they exert on the legs. The unit of pressure is mmHg.

      Support Hosiery:

      At, we refer to products with lower pressures (less than 20 mmHg) as "support hosiery" and are considered non-medical grade. They are not usually covered under extended health insurance.

      Support Socks and Stockings are usually suitable for:

      • mild varicose veins
      • achy tired feet and legs after a long day
      • mild heel and foot pain
      • mild swelling in the feet
      • flights, travel and long-distance trips
      • runners and athletes to enhance performance and accelerate recovery
      • sports injuries
      • bunions and hallux valgus

      Compression Hosiery:  

      At we refer to products that offer higher levels of pressure (more than 20 mmHg) as "compression hosiery" which are considered medical-grade. They are often a reimbursable expense through extended health insurance, provided you have a medical prescription. 

      Compression Socks and Stockings usually suitable for:

      • moderate varicosities
      • plantar fasciitis and heel pain that is chronic
      • post-surgery
      • moderate swelling in the feet and legs
      • painful and tired feet and legs for people who stand and walk most of the day
      • post Deep Vein Thrombosis
      • repetitive sports injuries
      • professional dancers and avid distance runners 

      Ask yourself the following questions to help you choose:

      1. Has your medical doctor provided a prescription for medical-grade compression products or are you searching for over-the-counter, non-medical-grade products? 
      2. Do you prefer to wear socks or stockings? 
      3. What Length do you need or will you be comfortable with? Knee-highs, Thigh-highs, Pantyhose, Crew (mid-calf). Thigh-length stockings are most effective in reducing significant swelling in more advanced disease. 
      4. Do you want Open-toe or Closed-toe?
      5. Do you need a Padded foot area for Heel Pain or Plantar Fasciitis?
      6. Do you want a products that is Sheer (see-through) or Opaque (cannot see skin through material)?
      7. What colours you like?
      8. Plain design or pattern? (ribbed, diamond, dots)
      9. Is there a certain Brand you like
      10. Are you very sensitive to materials? Do you prefer very soft materials or it does not matter to you?
      11. Do your feet sweat a lot?
      12. Do you have fungal problems with your feet?

      How to Choose the Correct Size:

      It is important to take up-to-date measurements of your feet, legs and hips to ensure that you choose the correct sizes. Measurements are best done first thing in the morning.

      If you need help in taking measurements, watch the instructional video on our fitting help page for instructions.

      Make sure to refer to the size chart on each product page to choose the correct size.

      How to Find Products You Need:

      Look at the menu at the top of our store. You will find:

      • Socks
      • Stockings
      • For Men
      • Shop by Brand
      • Shop by Length
      • Running Socks

      Keep in mind that there are products that are listed under women's or men's categories that are Unisex, and can be worn by anyone.

      Each product page includes a size chart to help you choose.

        We are here to help!

        Have a question for us? Please call (647) 444-4909 or email us at: